Indie Poetry Press


Exploring Life's Complexity: Daragh Fleming Unveils "Enigmatic"

In the vibrant landscape of Irish literature, Daragh Fleming emerges as a distinctive voice, weaving through the complexities of existence with his poetry. The upcoming launch of his latest creation, "Enigmatic," on November 24th, invites readers to embark on a reflective journey into the often-overlooked intricacies of life.

“Enigmatic” transcends being merely a collection of poems; it serves as a profound exploration of the mundane, shedding light on the profound within the commonplace. Daragh Fleming's verses skillfully navigate everyday situations and emotions, unearthing the preposterous nature of life itself—a tapestry of incomprehensible moments, both grand and minuscule.

Asked about the inspiration behind the book, Fleming reveals that he doesn't approach poetry with a specific book in mind. Each poem, born from the urge to articulate complex emotions, contributes to the formation of "Enigmatic" as a therapeutic endeavor—a capturing of something he has long struggled to express.

Beyond the realm of poetry, Fleming draws inspiration from literary figures like Rob Doyle, acknowledging his admiration for Doyle's relentless honesty. Other poets, both in Ireland and beyond, including Lucy Holme, Faye Proctor, Luke Morgan, Dean Browne, and Adam Shove, influence Fleming's work. Despite considering himself a poet-in-passing, he turns to their verses in moments of creative uncertainty.

The creative process, as Fleming discovered, is multifaceted. Writing a book demands patience, especially in an age of instant gratification. Yet, creatively, he sees writing as a process where creativity flows through the writer—a force of the universe using humans as mediums.

"Enigmatic" centers around the theme of feeling outside of life, a sense of unbelonging that resonates with many. Fleming candidly shares his own struggle with disconnection, acknowledging the loneliness that accompanies such feelings.

In response to whether someone can be a writer without feeling emotions strongly, Fleming asserts that writing, in fact, intensifies emotions. Despite not naturally experiencing strong emotions, he recommends writing as a transformative tool to connect more deeply with one's emotions.

Defining "good poetry" becomes a nuanced exploration for Fleming, who emphasizes that it's anything that makes the reader feel something profound. He believes a good poem encapsulates what the reader has always known but never found the words for.

As Fleming unveils "Enigmatic" to the world, he stands amidst a rich landscape of literary journals in Ireland and beyond. Publications like The Wexford Beohemian, The Four Faced Liar, HOWL, The Banshee, The Stinging Fly, Cyphers, The Pig’s Back, Crannóg, and more contribute to this vibrant literary tapestry.

Reflecting on his writing journey, Fleming shares advice with his younger self: to balance the importance of writing with living life fully. He acknowledges the pressure that can accompany a writer's passion but urges a more holistic approach.

For the readers curious about hidden gems within "Enigmatic," Fleming discloses that one of the poems conceals a secret second poem within it—an intriguing challenge for those eager to unravel its message.

In a literary landscape enriched by the likes of Daragh Fleming, "Enigmatic" promises not just a collection of poems but a profound exploration of life's intricate dance. As the launch date approaches, readers can anticipate a poetic journey that beckons them to peer into the enigma of existence.

Connect with Daragh Fleming on various platforms to explore his literary world. Visit his website at for a deep dive into his thoughts and creations. Engage with him on Twitter (@daraghfleming) for real-time updates, poetic musings, and literary discussions. Discover the visual side of his artistic endeavors on Instagram by following @daraghfleming. For a more dynamic experience, catch him on TikTok with the handle @thoughtstoobig, where snippets of his creative process and insights await. Join the journey across these platforms to connect with the mind behind the forthcoming work, "Enigmatic," and immerse yourself in the complexities of life through his unique perspective.

Rebecca RijsdijkComment