Indie Poetry Press


A Cup of Tea with Ashley Green

Ashley Green is a poet from Southern California. She writes about everything that keeps her up at night. Find her online at or follow her on Instagram @amoderncrone.

Who are some of your literary or artistic crushes?

Margaret Atwood, June Jordan, Ray Bradbury, Annie Clark, and James Baldwin. When I need to rest, when I need the wind knocked out of me, when I need to cry, when I need to refuel, I go to them. 

What are some common themes you see in your own work?

Trauma and sadness play a big role in what I write. I guess those are the things I have issues vocalizing. I was raised with the idea that keeping your feelings to yourself was the best way to live your life. It took me a long time to realize that’s a bunch of bullshit. It’s still hard for me to actually talk about my own struggles, but writing gets it out and away from me in a way that feels empowering. 

What influenced you to become a poet?

My aunt was the first person to really encourage me to put myself out there with my poetry. I remember going back and forth on trying to find a space for myself as a poet. Would I upset someone with my feelings? Would people hate what I made? She told me something I still say to myself when I get stuck in that weird limbo: “Who fucking cares?”

Do family and "real life" friends read your work?

Yeah! A real solid handful! For most of the people I know who read my stuff, it makes sense. My aunt, my sister, my husband, my best friends - they’ve been cheering me on for a long time now. I’m sure for others it was probably unsettling at first because I’m not the person my poetry paints me as. I’m loud and obnoxious and making people laugh is important to me. The stuff I write is...definitely different from who I am in real life. Overall though, I think the people who felt weird about it at first probably don’t any more and if they do, I HAVE CLINICAL DEPRESSION, OK. 

What does "good poetry" mean to you?

If I read something that simultaneously moves me and makes me wildly jealous I didn’t write it myself, it’s good. 

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